Why summer is the perfect time for a personal branding photoshoot update.

summer personal branding photoshoot update

As a small business owner, your personal brand is a powerful tool that can help you stand out and attract your ideal audience. One great way to maintain a strong personal brand is by regularly updating your personal branding photos. So let’s look at a few reasons why refreshing your brand images seasonally, can make a significant impact on your business and why summer could be the perfect time for your next branding photography refresh.

So why should small businesses update their personal branding photos seasonally?

As a London personal branding photographer, I often work with repeat clients, and I’m always so excited by the challenge of capturing something new with them each time. That being said, I also enjoy getting to know my clients on a deeper level and understanding what needs to remain the same each time, in order to portray their uniqueness. On my blog, I’ve previously spoken about why it’s important for small business owners to update their brand images regularly and how having fresh brand photoshoots each season can impact your business but let’s quickly recap a few key benefits.

  • Updating your personal branding photos regularly helps you to portray your brand accurately as your business grows.

  • By refreshing your personal brand images seasonally, you can show off what's new & current with your business and align your visual content with your seasonal marketing campaigns.

  • Up-to-date brand images help to ensure clients or customers will recognize you as your look changes over time.

  • Sharing fresh brand photos helps to keep your audience engaged.

  • Seasonal brand photoshoots help to ensure your business stays relevant and relatable.

  • Investing in your personal brand on an ongoing basis enhances your professionalism and credibility.

Summer brand shoot
seasonal personal branding photoshoot
london personal branding photography

Why is summer a good time for your next branding photography update?

Now as we’re finally settling into British summer, let’s look at some reasons why summer could be the perfect time for you to refresh your personal branding images. 

  • Summer’s vibrant natural light helps us to capture gorgeous, energetic, and eye-catching photos that resonate with your audience and evoke positive emotions.

  • Summer offers unique opportunities for creative and engaging outdoor shoot locations, including parks, beaches, and a range of urban locations. These settings could showcase a relaxed or adventurous side of your brand.

  • Summer-themed photos will be relevant for this season's marketing campaigns and appeal to customers who are also in a summer mindset. 

  • Summer outfits tend to be more casual and colourful, which can help to show off your friendly and relatable brand personality, helping you attract potential clients.

  • People are generally more active on social media during the summer, often looking for inspiration and ideas. High-quality, engaging photos can help increase your visibility and engagement during this peak time.

  • Summer often brings a sense of renewal and energy. This can be a great time for a personal brand refresh, capturing new headshots and lifestyle images that reflect your current branding and professional evolution.

By leveraging these advantages, a summer personal branding photoshoot can significantly enhance your small business’s visual presence and marketing efforts.

summer brand portrait photographer
London brand photographer summer
summer yoga photoshoot

The ‘Seasonal Personal Branding Photography’ package.

So if you’re thinking that your business could benefit from having seasonal branding photoshoots, then you’re in the right place! At the start of this year, I introduced a personal branding photography service that makes it even easier for you to market yourself all year long, using photography to help you build relationships and get more work.

The ‘Seasonal Personal Branding Photography’ package delivers CONTENT and CONFIDENCE. You’ll receive a stunning collection of carefully curated photographs throughout the year that work perfectly with your content marketing plan. And on top of that, you’ll have enough confidence to consistently show up online for your audience.

How it works?

1. First we’ll work together to make a content strategy for the year ahead, considering the seasons as well as things like upcoming launches, PR submissions, events, special dates, or specific content you have planned.

2. Then, each quarter we’ll plan a new shoot. We’ll look at what's coming up for you over the next 3 months, and create specific images for your upcoming content marketing that season. 

3. After each shoot you will receive at least 90 images to carry you for the next 3 months (that pretty much works out to about 1 photo a day!) You can then use your beautiful and strategic seasonal images to boost campaigns and drip-feed engaging content throughout the year.

Together, we can build a catalogue of personal brand images that support your business and ensure you keep up with the seasons and rapidly evolving online world.

To find out more, visit my ‘Seasonal Personal Branding Photography’ page.

summer personal branding photos
summer brand photoshoots london
july august brand photoshoots london

Updating your personal branding photos seasonally is more than just a visual refresh, it’s a strategic move that can enhance your brand’s authenticity, engagement, professionalism, and online visibility. As a small business owner, investing in regular brand photo updates ensures that your personal brand remains relevant, dynamic, and compelling throughout the year. Summer, with its vibrant and energetic vibe, is the perfect season to take that step, refresh your images, and make a lasting impression on your audience.

Ready to refresh your personal branding photos this summer? Visit my London personal branding photography page to learn more and together we’ll keep your brand image fresh and vibrant!

If you’re in need of some seasonal brand images to promote yourself, I’d love to help!

As your personal branding photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality & your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need you, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal branding photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


Essential brand portraits every art dealer needs to promote their business.