2022 Recap, Christmas holiday dates, & what to expect in 2023.

Woman business owner holding up a glass of champagne, smiling, standign in front of gold background with fairy lights

As this is my last working week before the Christmas holidays, I thought I'd wrap up the year with a quick recap of 2022, let you know my availability over the next few weeks & give you a little sneak peek of what to expect in 2023!

What a year!

I've worked with some amazing small business owners, entrepreneurs, and creatives this year and I've really had a blast with each and every one of you! It's such an honour to be part of your business journeys and to watch you all grow. Every single time you use the images we've created together, I get little fireworks in my heart! (haha! too cheesy?)

But seriously though! Although I've been running my own photography business since 2012, this was the first year for Self Made and Seen, so I want to give a very special shout-out to everyone who has supported my new business and to all of my new Self Made and Seen clients - I hope to work with you all again soon! I'm also very excited to work with more amazing small business owners next year!

Scroll to the bottom of this blog to see a few of my favourite images that I’ve created with some of you this year.

Christmas Holiday Dates & Availability.

I'm in the office until the end of the week, so do get in touch if you want to ask me any questions or book a personal brand shoot for the new year.⁠

I'm going to be taking a little break for Christmas from 17th Dec - 3rd Jan to recharge my batteries and enjoy the festivities with my friends and family.⁠ I have a couple of special Xmas & New year Instagram posts scheduled (so keep your eyes peeled there) but apart from that, I'll be a bit quiet for the next 2 weeks.⁠ 

I'll be back at work from 3rd January, ready to discuss new brand shoots for 2023 & I've got lots of useful content & exciting news I can't wait to share with you!⁠

What to expect in 2023.

⁠Ok, so I’m not going to keep it all secret until the new year! Here’s a little idea of some exciting things to expect in 2023…

  • New Brand Photography Packages!

In 2023 I will be introducing some new brand photography packages. I want to be able to cater to your business needs as best as possible so I’ve been carefully considering what’s included in my packages and making sure they will suit businesses with a range of requirements and budgets.

  • Mini Brand Portrait Sessions Round 2!

Due to popular demand, I will be running more Mini Brand Portrait Sessions. Keep your eyes peeled in the new year for when I announce the dates for the Spring Mini Sessions.

  • Brand Collaborations!

I also have a few exciting brand collaborations planned with some great small business owners. My aim is to create and share even more useful content to help you grow your businesses!

Well, that’s all for now, but to end the year with a bang, please have a look below to see just a few of my favourite images that I’ve created with some of you this year!

I hope you have a great festive season & I can’t wait to work with you in 2023!

Lisa x

Woman business owner leaning on kitchen counter holding a bowl of thai food and chopsticks
Female entrepreneur smiling, standing in front of green bush
Woman entrepreneur leaning on railing in park
Woman business owner wearing orange top, leaning against colourful tiled wall
Female business owner blowing bubbles with a bubble wand
business woman leaning on concrete wall smiling
Woman business owner wearing colourful dress, holding wine bottle and glass of wine, smiling
Woman entrepreneur sitting on chair holding mobile phone
Woman sitting on wooden bench in front of green plants
Woman business owner sitting on sofa with paintings in frames on the wall behind her
female business owner leaning on colourful wall
woman business owner standing by concrete pillars

Want to get your business seen in 2023 by standing out with personal brand images?


The perfect brand photoshoot for your small business.


Personal brand shoot in Bath, UK with art dealer Annalise May of Wallflower Art Gallery.