How to make your business stand out from your competitors.

As a small business owner, it can be really intimidating when you realise how much competition you have out there. It can also be pretty disheartening and imposter syndrome can even kick in. When those little voices in your head tell you things like "why would anyone choose you when there are so many other businesses offering the same thing?" it can really affect your confidence.

But the thing is, NO ONE offers what YOU offer!

Yes, other businesses may provide similar products or services to you. But I can guarantee that there isn’t one other business in the world that can do it quite like you!⁠ So if you came here asking “how can I make my business stand out from my competitors?” Well, the best way to stand out is to show your audience your USP. 

Your Unique Selling Point or “USP” is why someone would choose you over another business. What makes you different from your competitors? What can you do that no one else can? Why is your approach different? Essentially, what makes you unique? Once you’ve nailed this down, the next step is to show it off!

And one effective way to do this, is through Personal Brand Photography.

If you work with a brand photographer who takes the time to get to know you and your business, i.e. through a consultation, a client brief, or a creative call (ahem, I offer all three! 😉) then your brand images should do these 3 super impactful things;

  1. Show off your unique personality.

  2. Show what your unique offerings are.

  3. Help you stand out from the crowd.

And having these type of personal brand images, will result in your dream clients being able to find YOU, get to know YOU, and choose (yep you guessed it…) YOU!

Female cook leaning on kitchen counter, smiling, holding a bowl of noodles and chopsticks
Black female entrepreneur sitting on floor leaning on sofa holding a mug. Infront is a coffee table with laptop, small plant and books
Female speech therapist leaning against pink wall, blowing bubbles with a bubble wand

Want to learn more about how I can help your business stand out with personal brand photography?

As your personal brand photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality & your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need your help, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal brand photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


Christmas content ideas for small businesses.


The Mini Branding Portrait Sessions 2022.